Sunday, February 15, 2015

Oklahoma City Authors Present a Go-To Leadership Primer:  
        “Sooner State of Mind, Forging Leadership Legacies North of the Red River”

--New Book Explores Extraordinary Leadership Stories behind Four Oklahoma City Architectural Treasures--

(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, January 2015) --  
Leadership is not for the timid…even if our technical competence is the best, our team bright, and our budgets solid, the realities of the workplace collide and create dust storms that try the best of us.  But there is no need for a Lone Ranger to rescue us at every turn….OU Architecture Professor, Marjorie P. Callahan and Leadership Consultant, Deborah A. Reisweber have created a dynamic leadership primer for everyone interested in refining old leadership skills and lassoing up new ones. 

This book presents the background stories of four Oklahoma City venues of architectural distinction and the Transformational Leaders who made these venues a reality.  These leadership stories include an Olympic caliber Boathouse District, a Smithsonian quality museum, a renovated and vibrant historic corridor, and an iconic, legacy downtown building.  They illustrate how a few extraordinary leaders negotiate trails full of hazards and led teams to optimal performance. 

After learning about these Oklahoma standouts, you’ll be able to take charge of your own Leader Development Trail Ride and forge your own Leadership Legacy.  

For more information and to order see Deborah and Marjorie’s Author Spotlight Page on

Additional info on our facebook page and our blog at

About the Authors:
Marjorie P. Callahan AIA, LEED AP is Associate Professor in the College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma.  She holds professional degrees from University of Massachusetts in Amherst (M.S.), University of Oklahoma in Norman (B. Arch), and Mills College in the San Francisco Bay Area (BA in Urban Economics and Art).  Her research and teaching explores community outreach and business acumen.   Her advocacy work includes serving on Urban Boards and Interstate Design Standards Commissions.

Deborah A. Reisweber is a graduate of the United States Military Academy (USMA) at West Point, NY and also earned a M.S. in Psychology from the University of Illinois, at Champaign-Urbana.  She served as a commissioned officer in the United States Army for over 20 years including time on the faculty at West Point and was also assigned to the Army Headquarters at the Pentagon.  She currently works as a Leader Development and Human Factors Psychology consultant.

“Sooner State of Mind, Forging Leadership Legacies North of the Red River”
By Marjorie P. Callahan & Deborah A. Reisweber
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in|   ISBN 978-1-4834-2149-0
Softcover | 6 x 9 in |   ISBN 978-1-4834-2310-4
E-Book | ISBN   978-1-4834-2294-7

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